For most of the last century, discussions of diversity in boardrooms were non-existent, except for those premised on the credentials of men eligible for the seats.
Read moreCustomers and other stakeholders may hold a diversity of views on what is excellent and innovative and employ differing criteria for deciding what represents excellence and innovation. These can also evolve over time and as...
Read moreBoardrooms in Europe are becoming more diverse, but some countries are moving forward faster than others. When it comes to gender diversity, Norway, France and the UK are trailblazers, but other countries, for example Germany, Switzerland and Spain, are lagging much behind.
Read moreIn the last decade, increasing gender diversity has been a prominent issue for boardrooms and C-suites across the globe. Companies have faced calls for greater female representation at the board level from regulators, investors, and other stakeholders.
Read moreAnd the enabling conditions required to achieve board diversity are known and actionable. Fair employment practices (such as equal pay), participative leadership, top management support for diversity
Read moreFrom the beginning of my career, I noticed that working hard and being good at what you do is simply not enough to move ahead in your career, especially if you are a woman.
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