Leadership plays a pivotal role in determining the balance between these two elements, and the success of any organisation often hinges on how well it navigates this delicate equilibrium.
Read moreIn a world where borders blur and connectivity spans the globe, leadership's role in navigating the complexities of a globalized landscape is more crucial than ever.
Read moreOperations can be disrupted by a variety of unanticipated factors, ranging from external forces like natural disasters and political risks to internal factors like faulty management and flawed financial systems.
Read moreIt is an interesting and powerful statute under the Companies Act that mandates the board to decide its own composition, giving it a great opportunity to ensure its own diversity and lead by example!
Read moreLeaders who embrace a culture of innovation, invest in R&D for manufacturing excellence, adapt to Industry 4.0, make agile decisions in response to market dynamics, foster collaboration
Read moreFrom fostering diversity and leveraging technology to adaptive governance and ESG integration, the future leader in Indian boardrooms must be a VISIONARY.