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Book Review - Boardroom Creativity

By Intitute of Directors

Boardroom Creativity advocates a creative yet practical approach for leaders who want to re-imagine and innovate their business for success. The writers introduce their future readiness framework and discuss how you can be better prepared by identifying the right balance between 'exploit' and 'explore', regularly designing your next business and board, and building a culture of learning and innovation. Packed with exercises and examples, and using the nine tried and tested principles that underpin successful business transformation, this book will enable you to:

(1.) Recognise the key drivers of change for your business
(2.) Identify the shared purpose and values of your organisation to accelerate transformation
(3.) Involve and empower internal and external stakeholders
(4.) Design and safeguard the future of your business to cope with change and uncertainty
(5.) Create an innovation culture and lead by example
(6.) Redesign your board to stay future proof

The book also addresses the critical link between diversity and creativity in boardrooms. It advocates diversity both in expertise and ways of thinking to create a positive impact on overall performance. The importance of organisational culture, leadership, and customer centricity is highlighted in creating an innovative business environment.

It is a book to read when it is time to change your business direction and you need a future leadership approach to empower your team to become better at innovation and implementing the new direction. The authors' passion for the subject is evident throughout the book. It is a highly recommended addition to any boardroom member's library.

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Anne Mieke Eggenkamp

Anne Mieke Eggenkamp

She is a creative leadership and learning expert. After studying Graphic Design, she established a creative studio and pioneered Digital Design. Her passion for helping people grow led her to complete a second degree in education and take on her role as chair of the Design Academy Eindhoven. Her specific expertise is in circularity and sustainability, leadership development and designing innovation as a learning journey. In addition to being a partner at Caracta business innovation, she teaches ambidextrous leadership and is the Chair of the Board of two scale-up companies

Fennemiek Gommer

Fennemiek Gommer

She is a purpose-driven strategy and innovation consultant. She complimented her industrial design studies with degrees in design thinking, brand strategy and business from the US, Italy and France. She enjoys applying her international perspective and design approach to a wide range of business challenges. Alongside her consultancy role, she teaches business transformation and holds non-executive directorships in multiple international family businesses.

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