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Explore our Board Advisory Offerings


    Board Performance Evaluation

    Our Board Evaluation Service offers comprehensive and customised assessments

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    Based on IOD’s ‘10 Pillars’, a review of the Governance setup including structures

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    PID & IEP

    Public Interest Director (PID) and Independent External Person (IEP) Evaluation

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    Boards' Skills

    Enables the organisation and the board to understand, if diverse composition

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    A third-party enabled 360-degree feedback of the KMPs aims to enable development

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A Journey of Continuous Improvement

Board Research & Advisory

Explore our Board Advisory Services

Board Advisory services provide expert guidance and recommendations to boards of directors and senior executives. These services are often delivered by experienced professionals with extensive knowledge in governance, strategy, risk management, and specific industries.

Board advisory services are an essential component of effective corporate governance and strategic decision-making. They involve providing independent, expert advice and guidance to corporate boards of directors, executive teams, and senior management. The primary objective of board advisory services is to enhance the performance, efficiency, and overall effectiveness of an organization by leveraging the expertise and experience of external advisors.

The Board Research and Advisory Wing is committed to providing organisations with full-service, specialised Board Advisory services. We work directly with boards of directors, executive teams, and senior management to improve their decision-making processes and overall effectiveness as a team of seasoned professionals with significant expertise in corporate governance.

Meet IOD’s Board Expert Panel

Our Board Advisory Clients

Our prestigious clientele features some of the world's largest and most successful companies, as evidenced by their top positions in market capitalization rankings. We have played a pivotal role in constructing and nurturing some of the most successful boards globally, enabling them to boost their efficiency, leverage their diverse strengths, and optimize their contributions to companies, shareholders, and society.