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By- Institute of Directors

The Institute Of Directors (IOD) is an apex national association of Corporate Directors under the India's 'Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860'​. IOD is India's Ist and oldest training Institute to introduce Corporate Governance training, since 1990.

Currently it's associated with over 30,000 senior executives from Govt, PSU and Private organizations of India and abroad.

What does the Institute of Directors do ?

Over the years, IOD, has been debating on a number of Boardroom issues for their Governance, Development, Sustainability & Inclusive Growth. IOD is committed to its endeavour of building boards of the future. The IOD's activities extend from Boardroom Trainings | Researches | Publications | Board Advisory Services | Monthly Lectures to Workshops and networking of Members | Directors and Global Leaders through various National & International Conventions and platforms to debate the issues of topical interest., held in India, and abroad. Over the years, IOD, India has been organising its annual Global Conventions in India, Dubai (UAE)SingaporeLondon and Europe focusing on various boardroom issues and also the Global Business Meets by bringing together industry leaders, policy makers and board members from various parts of the world.

The IOD, India's 'Masterclass for Directors'​ training for 'Certified Corporate Directorship'​, and 'Golden Peacock Awards'​ in 15 different corporate disciplines, both have become global benchmarks. IOD has also setup a special wing called 'Directors Databank', mandated to look after the placement of Independent Directors in India.

Today, IOD Platforms are regarded as most powerful network of business leaders and policy makers globally, which keeps senior executives and board members abreast of latest developments on various boardroom issues and new trends in Corporate Governance & Business Excellence.

Who is the CEO of the Institute of Directors ?

Manoj K. Raut serves as the Chief Executive Officer & Secretary-General of the Institute of Directors (IOD), India a role he has held since year 2000.

DIVISIONS of Institute of Directors

  1. Membership | Networking of Members, Directors & Global Leaders through various Events.
  2. Training & Development of Independent Directors | Boardroom Training's
  3. Events (National & Global Conventions)
  4. Golden Peacock Awards
  5. Board Research & Advisory
  6. IOD Directors Databank
  7. IOD Publications Winner Digest & Corporate Handbooks
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Institute of Directors India

Institute of Directors India

Bringing a Silent Revolution through the Boardroom

Institute of Directors (IOD) is an apex national association of Corporate Directors under the India's 'Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860'​. Currently it is associated with over 30,000 senior executives from Govt, PSU and Private organizations of India and abroad.

Owned by: Institute of Directors, India

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the articles/ stories are the personal opinions of the author. IOD/ Editor is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information in those articles. The information, facts or opinions expressed in the articles/ speeches do not reflect the views of IOD/ Editor and IOD/ Editor does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.

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    Institute of Directors India

    Bringing a Silent Revolution through the Boardroom

    Institute of Directors (IOD) is an apex national association of Corporate Directors under the India's 'Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860'​. Currently it is associated with over 30,000 senior executives from Govt, PSU and Private organizations of India and abroad.

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Masterclass for Directors