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IOD SPECIAL TALKS - CSR: Serving our Society

By- Institute of Directors

It's such a delight and a pleasure and privilege to be here. My congratulations to the Institute of Directors for creating program which is unique, necessary and important for the entire country. The Prime Minister has left Abu Dhabi where he has participated in the conference and given directions at the highest level.

I think the time has come where we need to understand why this is so important. We had somebody mention over here that they are happy to be in Mumbai because the weather in Delhi is bad. Isn't that bad enough we talk about the capital of India.

We talk about areas of India, where the entire landslides have destroyed thousands and thousands of homes, and people are affected. It's the fifth time in the last couple of years where Chennai is totally flooded, and there is no possibility of drainage in that area. Recycling of water is not done for Mumbai. The Supreme Court of India has given directions that water should be treated before it is poured into the sea. All these factors, and the factor that we need to take into action is become extremely important, and hence the idea of ESG; the idea of looking after the environment of our country becomes extremely important for us to look at it.

It is not a simple thought. The Arctic, and the Antarctic is melting. Many of our places in Mumbai will one day get flooded. Maybe not in the next ten year, but maybe in the next hundred years. On the other hand, we have drought in other areas, so if environment is not taking place in a manner which is concerted, whether it is government, whether it is business, whether it is individuals, whether it is anybody who lives on the earth, human beings becoming important in order to do it. All these factors need to take place.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
- Mahatma Gandhi

So how does an individual company actually do this work? This has been mentioned by the Chief Justice, our Lt. Gen. Nath, Mr. Sitaram Kunte, of the different activities which are taking place in the business environment and that becomes extremely important. Small factors we add and I can show off a little bit. In our corporate activity of Powai and Thane, we recycle 4 million litres of water every day and use that water for recycling for the last 25 years, and the total city of Mumbai does not recycle 8 million litres. So a business enterprise can also be a leader and many of the actors that are receiving awards tomorrow really need to be complimented because they have shown leadership in an area which can be an example both for government and individuals to actually act, and hence my congratulations for giving these awards because those are the ones which will be emulated by the rest of the people in the business world, and also be able to take it on.

There is a question of ESG of giving; there is a question of CSR of giving. Mahatma Gandhi was referred twice this morning, so I am encouraged to mention him third time and if may I, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”. I think that's the difference between the human being; that's the difference between what this conference is talking about it, it is to the service of others that we are talking about, whether it is ESG or it is CSR, which is there - It is actually service to others which is not only profit oriented motive for yourself, but actually giving it to all the others.

All the examples of ESG, whether it is environment, social, or governance - small things can be done. I will give you an example again of what we were able to do in the last three months. There was a child which need liver transplant at an age of three - didn't have the money, couldn't get a doctor to operate because the child was too small. Three months ago, we were able to get the liver transplant done for a three year old child who would not have survived more than eight weeks if the transplant was not done. We were able to fund that particular transplant; we were able to encourage the child to be treated and that child is smiling and alive. I can share the picture of this child to you and that's the difference between what an individual can do, what we can all do.

Why can't one person in our country plant one tree in a year? How many trees can we plant? I think that itself will make a paradigm happen. Of course the corporate companies will be able to take it. A lot of good work has being done by the government rightly so on. All the state governments doing it. Maharashtra has taken a leadership afforestation; Gujarat also has done huge amount of work in this part; also she heads the skill development area, where because of our unemployment and skilling of people. Let me give you an example. I run a real estate company. 25 years ago when I wanted 100 skill workers, I would get 500 workers. Today, when I want 100 skilled workers - I get 10. I think Dr. Anju Sharma will play a very big role. Individual companies can also take up an ESG which will be selfmotivated requirement for yourself actually doing a service to humanity.

What a wonderful conference which highlights all these aspects of CSR, all the aspects of community development, ESG all the other activities put together my heartiest congratulations, my privilege of being here on this platform, along with all the other dignitaries, all the people over here and all our friends are here. Dr. Bagla, the Vice Chancellor of HSNC University has done a huge amount of work with her 4000 students adopting villages in the area of Mumbai region, they look after the older people, look after the people who get married at give them gifts, look after toilets, set up the entire thing, and this is headed not by companies, but by college students who are carrying out this activities to do so. We must encourage the young, teach the young. So, congratulations to Dr. Bagla, congratulations to everyone and the Institute of Directors. My respect and salaam to you for carrying out such an important conference that you have here today.

Thank you very much for inviting me. I'm privileged to be here today.

*Excerpts from the ‘Keynote Address' delivered by Dr. Niranjan Hiranandani, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Hiranandani Group at the 'Inaugural Session' th of the 18th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, held on December 21, 2023 in Hotel Taj Lands End.

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Institute of Directors India

Institute of Directors India

Bringing a Silent Revolution through the Boardroom

Institute of Directors (IOD) is an apex national association of Corporate Directors under the India's 'Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860'​. Currently it is associated with over 30,000 senior executives from Govt, PSU and Private organizations of India and abroad.

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    Bringing a Silent Revolution through the Boardroom

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