Through clear and concise explanations, it equips readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complex landscape of modern business environments.
Read moreThe book is written through case studies. Each case study throws light on a time, a period, an organisation, a professional culture challenged to change.
Read moreIt takes an optimist's view and uses a lens of success to view the past, examine the present and identify torches that can shine into the darkness of the unknown and determine robust pathways for the future.
Read moreThe book also addresses the critical link between diversity and creativity in boardrooms. It advocates diversity both in expertise and ways of thinking to create a positive impact
Read moreInside the Boardroom provides an extraordinary peek into how directors' behaviour may be the real underlying cause of corporate failure.
Read moreTransforming Nokia is a fast moving business case study with a thriller like selection of twists and turns as the company's options dwindle and change. It analyses a massive corporate failure from an inside perspective
Read moreThis is a field guide for businesses and individuals alike to navigate change, a compass, a system of content, resources, and ideas on how to stay relevant and capture opportunities in our rapidly changing world.
Read morePopular stories about disruption, retold countless times, fail to identify the true underlying forces leading to the demise of former market leaders. When we get the stories wrong, we risk learning the wrong lessons from recent history.
Read moreThe five pillars the book enumerates are physical security, people security, data security, infrastructure security, and crisis management. Putting these in place can assist an organisation in mitigating its risks both from technological and legal perspectives.
Read moreWhy, when companies come crashing down, do we hear of boards who have failed in their fiduciary duties? Or that they have been ignorant, complacent, or downright complicit in these scandals and downfalls?
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